1. 1〔労働争議〕a labor dispute;〔ストライキ〕a strike ⇒ストライキ
  1. 2〔論争〕a dispute ((about, over))
    • 争議は学生会館の使用権に関してである
    • The dispute is about [over] the right to use the student hall.
  1. 争議委員会a dispute committee
  1. 争議権the right to strike
  1. 争議行為a direct action;〔ストライキ〕a strike
    • 争議行為差し止め命令
    • a labor injunction
  1. 争議団the strikers
  1. a funeral (service) ⇒そうしき(葬式)
    • 山田氏の葬儀は10時に行われる
    • The funeral service [Funeral services] for Mr. Yamada will be held at ten o'clock.
    • 大勢の人が彼の葬儀に参列した
    • Many people attended his funeral service.
  1. 葬儀場a funeral hall
  1. 葬儀店a funeral parlor [home]; an undertaker's
  1. 葬儀屋〔人〕an undertaker;《米》 a mortician

