• 計画の即行を期待されている
    • We are expected to 「carry out [execute] the plan promptly [immediately]./We are supposed to put the plan into action [operation] at once.
    • 歯痛に即効がある
    • have an immediate effect on toothaches/〔すぐ苦痛を除く〕give immediate relief from pain caused by toothaches
  1. 即効薬a quick remedy; a quick-acting medicine
    • 長年の悪習に対する即効薬はない
    • There are no quick cures [《米》 fixes] for long-standing abuses.
    • サッカーの試合で速攻を仕掛けた
    • We launched [mounted] swift attacks in the soccer game.
    • 速効を示す
    • show [have] (a) quick effect
  1. 速効性肥料a quick-acting [fast-working] fertilizer
  1. a side ditch

