1. a codfish; a haddock
  1. 鱈子cod roe;〔塩漬けの〕salted cod roe
  1. 1〔仮定,条件〕
    • すぐ入院したら助かったかもしれない
    • He might have been saved if he had been hospitalized at once.
    • もっと金があったらといつも思っていた
    • I always wished I had more money.
    • みんなの準備ができたら出掛けよう
    • When everybody is ready, let's start.
  1. 2〔勧め〕
    • 宅のほうにもいらしたら
    • I wish you would come and see us, too./Won't you come and see us, too?
    • もっと勉強したら
    • Why don't you study harder?
    • 彼に頼んでみたら
    • How about asking [Why not ask] him to do it?
  1. 3〔軽い非難の気持ちで〕
    • 今の若者ときたら
    • (as for) the young people of today/when it comes to today's young people
    • まあ,あの人ったら,また傘を忘れていったわ
    • Oh dear, he's left his umbrella behind again!
    • あの散らかりようったらありゃしない
    • Oh, you should have seen the mess!
  1. 4〔強意〕
    • 嫌だったら嫌
    • No! I really mean no!/〔やめてくれ〕Stop it!
    • 静かにしろったら
    • Do be quiet!

