1. Chile;〔公式国名〕the Republic of Chile

    チリの Chilean; Chilian

    • チリ人
    • a Chilean
  1. fish stew
  1. ちりなべa pot of fish and vegetable stew (eaten at the table as it cooks)
  1. 1〔地理学〕geography
  1. 2〔地勢,地形〕geographical features; topography

    地理の[的] geographic(al),topographic(al)

  1. 3〔土地の様子〕
    • 彼はこの辺の地理に明るい
    • He is familiar with this neighborhood./He knows the neighborhood very well.
    • この辺の地理に不案内だ
    • I am a stranger here./I don't know my way around.
  1. 地理学geography
  1. 地理学者a geographer
  1. I〔ほこり〕dust
    • テーブルの塵を払う
    • dust a table
    • 机の上は塵ひとつなかった
    • There wasn't a speck of dust on the desk.
  1. II
  1. 1〔俗世間の汚れ〕
    • 浮き世の塵にまみれる
    • be stained with the impurities of the world
  1. 2〔わずかな量〕
    • あの人のことなど塵ほども思っていないわ
    • I don't care 「a bit [at all] about him./《俗》 I don't give a damn about him.(▼damnは宗教上の理由で嫌う人がいる)
  1. 3〔値打ちのないもの〕trash
  1. 塵も積もれば山となる((諺)) Many a little makes a mickle.
  1. 塵取りa dustpan
  1. 塵の世〔汚らわしい世の中〕the tainted world we live in;〔俗世〕the vulgar [secular] world
  1. 塵箱《米》 a garbage can;《英》 a dustbin
  1. 塵払い〔道具〕a duster;〔そうじ〕dusting
  1. 塵埃ほこりdust
  1. 塵まみれdusty
    • 車がちりまみれですよ
    • Your car is covered with dust.
    • ちりよけ眼鏡
    • dust goggles
    • ちりよけカバー
    • 〔家具などの〕a dust cover/a dust sheet

