1. 〔十二支の一つ〕the Cock (the tenth of the twelve signs of the Chinese zodiac);〔方角〕west;〔時刻〕the hour of the Cock (6:00 p.m. or the hours between 5:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m.)
  1. 酉年the year of the Cock
  1. 酉の市the fairs held in November at the Otori Shrines in Tokyo
  1. 1〔取ること〕
    • 借金取り
    • 〔事〕collecting bills [money owed]/dunning/〔人〕a bill collector
    • 人気取りをする
    • play to the gallery/「make a bid for [try to gain] popular favor
    • 人気取りにあんなことをやったまでだ
    • He did it just as a publicity stunt.
  1. 2〔寄席の最後の番組〕the last and most popular act;〔出演者〕the star performer
  1. a bird
  2. とり
    • 鳥が鳴いて[さえずって]いる
    • Birds are singing.
    • 鳥を飼う
    • have a bird as a pet
    • 鳥に餌をやる
    • feed a bird
    • 鳥の声
    • the chirping [song] of a bird/birdsong
    • 鳥の巣
    • a bird's nest
    • かごの鳥
    • a bird in a cage/a caged bird
  1. 鳥なき里のこうもりOn an island with no birds, even a bat may rule the sky.
  1. 鳥インフルエンザbird [avian] flu [influenza]

