1. 1〔念を押す気持ちで,文末に付けて〕
    • ケーキお好きですね
    • You like cake, 「don't you [I hope]?
    • 嬉しくないんですね
    • You are not happy about it, are you?
    • 私には用がないと言うのですね
    • I see that you do not want me (around).
    • 何と言っても子供ですからね
    • After all, he is a mere child, you know.
    • それでいいと思いますね
    • That will do, I should think.
  1. 2〔呼び掛け〕 《米》 say; hey(▼heyのほうは叫ぶような時.またsayよりもくだけた感じ);《英》 I say;〔注意をうながして〕Look here, ....
    • ね,実君
    • Hey, Minoru!
    • ね,これちょっとおかしいでしょう
    • Look, isn't this funny?
    • ね,いい考えがあるわ
    • Say [《英》 I say], I have a good idea!
  1. 〔十二支の一つ〕the Rat (the first of the twelve signs of the Chinese zodiac);〔方角〕north;〔時刻〕the hour of the Rat (midnight or the hours between 11:00 p.m. and 1:00 a.m.)
  1. 子年the year of the Rat
  1. 〔音〕(a) sound;〔音楽〕a tone
    • 鈴の音
    • the sound of a bell
    • 虫の音
    • the chirping [chirps] of insects
    • 妙なる楽の音
    • sweet music
    • このバイオリンは音がよい
    • This violin produces a good tone.
    • 急所を突かれてはぐうの音もでなかった
    • There was no answer he could give [He was at a loss to reply], for he had been touched on a weak point.
    • 彼の筋道立った議論にはぐうの音も出なかった
    • I was utterly silenced by his logical argument.
  1. 音を上げる〔降参する〕give up [in];〔弱音をはく〕complain
    • あまりの重労働に音を上げてしまった
    • The work was so hard that he 「gave up [had to give up].
  1. a price ⇒ねだん(値段)
    • この手は値が張ります
    • This kind is expensive.
    • 値の張らない
    • inexpensive/cheap
    • この絵はそのうちに値が出る
    • This picture will gain in value in time.
    • 株の値が上がった[下がった]
    • The stock has 「gone up [fallen] (in price).
    • ずいぶんいい値だね
    • That's quite expensive.
    • そちらで値をつけてくれ
    • You name [set] the price.
  1. I
  1. 1〔植物の〕a root
    • 挿し木の根がついた
    • The cuttings have taken root.
    • 雑草を根から抜く
    • uproot weeds/pull out weeds by the roots
  1. 2〔物の根元〕
    • 毛髪の根
    • the root of a hair
    • はれものの根
    • the core of a boil
  1. II
  1. 1〔根源〕the source; the origin; the root
    • 病気[悪]の根を絶つ
    • eradicate [root out] the causes of disease [evil]
    • この問題の根は深い
    • This is a deep-rooted problem./〔簡単には片付かない〕This problem cannot be solved so easily.
  1. 2〔生まれつきの性質〕nature
    • 根はやさしい人だ
    • He is kind at heart.
    • 彼は根っからの商人だ
    • He is a born [true] merchant [businessman]./He was born to be a merchant.
  1. 根が生える根を下ろす
    • 根が生えたように動かなかった
    • He was rooted to the spot.
    • 彼は僕のことを根に持っている
    • He has a grudge against me.
  1. 根掘り葉掘り根掘り葉掘り
    • 根も葉もない噂
    • a groundless rumor
    • 根も葉もない理由で首にされた
    • I was dismissed for reasons not grounded in fact.
    • キリスト教はその国の国民に深く根をおろしている
    • Christianity hasbecome deeply rooted [put down deep roots] among the people in that country.
    • 民主主義がこの国に本当に根を下ろしたのだろうか
    • Has democracy really taken root in this country?

