1. 1のうりょく(能力)さいのう(才能)
    • 人の上に立つ能がない
    • He has no ability to lead others.
    • あてがわれた仕事をするよりほかに能のない男だった
    • He could only do what he was told to do.
    • 彼は何の能もない男だ
    • He has nothing to recommend him.
    • 言葉を飾るだけが能ではない
    • It is not everything to talk in fine language.
  1. 2〔効能〕
    • 今さら古い議論を蒸し返しても能のないことだ
    • It's of no use to reopen old controversies now.
  1. 3〔能楽〕a Noh play [dance]
    Noh is a type of traditional Japanese musical drama and is one of the oldest surviving forms of stage art in the world. It was developed into its present form in the Muromachi era by Kan'ami and his son, Zeami. Noh theaters, called noh-gakudo, have a covered stage built of hinoki Japanese cypress, and open toward the audience in three directions. On this stage, the shite, or masked principal actor, sings and dances. The waki, or supporting actor, usually performs without a mask. The jiutaigata, or chorus, chant yokyoku Noh songs, and the hayasikata, or instrumentalists, play flutes, shoulder drums, and stick drums. Performances of Takigi Noh, or outdoor evening Noh, have recently been gaining in popularity. Often kyogen, short comic plays with roots similar to those of Noh, are performed on the same program.
  1. 能ある鷹たかは爪を隠す((諺)) Still waters run deep.
  1. 能装束a Noh costume (including the headgear and footwear)
  1. 能囃子Noh music
  1. 能舞台a Noh stage (with pillars at the four corners, a picture of an old pine tree painted on the back wall, and a roof)
  2. のうぶたい
  1. 能役者a Noh actor
  1. 1〔脳髄〕the brain
  2. のう(脳)
    • 脳の働き
    • cerebral activity
  1. 2〔頭脳〕the brains ⇒ずのう(頭脳)
    • 脳を使う仕事
    • brainwork
  1. 脳圧brain pressure
  1. 脳溢血いっけつa cerebral hemorrhage [héməridʒ]
    • 脳溢血で倒れる
    • have a cerebral hemorrhage
  1. 脳炎encephalitis [ensèfəláitis|-kèf-]; inflammation of the brain
    • 日本脳炎
    • Japanese encephalitis
  1. 脳下垂体the pituitary gland
  1. 脳幹the brain stem
  1. 脳幹死brain-stem death
  1. 脳外科brain surgery
  1. 脳外科医a brain surgeon
  1. 脳血栓cerebral thrombosis
  1. 脳梗塞cerebral infarction
  1. 脳細胞a brain cell
  1. 脳挫傷ざしょう(a) brain [cerebral] contusion
  1. 脳死brain death
    • 彼は脳死状態にある
    • He is brain dead.
    • 脳死状態の体
    • a neomort
  1. 脳死移植an organ transplant (performed) after brain death
  1. 脳室a cerebral ventricle; a ventricle of the brain
  1. 脳死判定a pronouncement [diagnosis] of brain death
    • 脳死判定される
    • be pronounced [declared] brain-dead
  1. 脳充血congestion of the brain; cerebral hyperemia
  1. 脳出血(a) cerebral hemorrhage
  1. 脳腫瘍a brain [cerebral] tumor
  1. 脳症brain fever
    • 脳症を起こす
    • get brain fever
  1. 脳神経a cranial nerve(▼通例複数形)
  1. 脳震盪しんとうconcussion of the brain; a brain concussion,《英》 concussion(▼ 《英》 はconcussionだけで冠詞もつけない)
    • 脳しんとうを起こす
    • suffer from (a brain) concussion
  1. 脳髄the brain(s)
  1. 脳性麻痺cerebral palsy
  1. 脳脊髄液cerebrospinal fluid
  1. 脳脊髄炎encephalomyelitis
  1. 脳脊髄膜炎cerebrospinal meningitis
  1. 脳卒中(cerebral) apoplexy
    • 脳卒中を起こす
    • have a stroke/have a fit of apoplexy
  1. 脳損傷脳挫傷
  1. 脳天脳天
  1. 脳軟化症softening of the brain
  1. 脳波brain waves(▼通例複数形)
    • 脳波を計る
    • check a person's brain waves/give a person an electroencephalograph test
  1. 脳梅毒neurosyphilis
  1. 脳波図an electroencephalogram ((略 EEG))
  1. 脳病a brain disease
  1. 脳貧血((have)) cerebral anemia

