1. I〔末端〕an end;〔先端〕a tip;〔縁〕an edge
    • ひもの端
    • the end of a string
    • ページの端を折る
    • dog-ear a page/turn down the corner of a page
    • 敷地の北の端に
    • at the northern end of the lot
    • 道の端に立っていた
    • I was standing by the side of the road.
    • いすの端に腰をかける
    • sit on the edge of the chair
    • 新聞を端から端まで読む
    • read the newspaper from 「front to back [cover to cover]
    • 表の部屋は家の端から端まであった
    • The front room ran the (whole) length of the house.
  1. II
  1. 1〔物事の一部分〕
    • 彼の言葉の端にはとげがあった
    • His words had a sting in them.
    • 言葉の端を捕える
    • catch a person (up) on 「a minor [an inadvertent] mistake he made
  1. 2〔「…する端から」の形で,…するものを次々に〕
    • 料理する端から食べた
    • They ate as soon as the food was cooked [set on the table].
  1. (a pair of) chopsticks
    • 彼は箸が上手に使えない
    • He cannot use [handle] chopsticks well.
    • 豆を箸でつまむ
    • pick up beans with one's chopsticks
    • あの年ごろの娘は箸が転んでも笑う
    • Girls of that age are ready to laugh at anything [the drop of a hat].
    • おいしくて箸が進んだ
    • It was so delicious that I couldn't stop eating.
    • その計画は箸にも棒にもかからない
    • The plan is good for absolutely nothing.
    • 箸の上げ下ろしにもうるさい
    • She is finicky [picky] about tablemanners [〔何事にも〕everything].
    • 彼は刺身に箸を付けなかった
    • He left the sashimi untouched.
  1. 箸置きa chopstick rest
  1. 箸立てa chopstick holder
  1. 箸箱a chopstick case
  1. a bridge
    • 川に橋を掛ける
    • build a bridge across [over] a river
    • 橋のたもとで
    • at the foot of a bridge
    • 橋を渡る
    • cross a bridge
    • 洪水で橋が流れた
    • The bridge was washed away by the flood.
    • だれかが両者の間に橋を渡さねばならない
    • Someone has to 「bring the two parties together [act as an intermediary between the two parties]. ⇒はしわたし(橋渡し)
  1. 橋げたa bridge girder

