1. 1〔中心となるもの〕a center,《英》 a centre
    • 学問の府
    • a center of learning
    • 立法の府
    • the seat of legislative government
  1. 2〔地方の公共団体〕a prefecture
    • 大阪府
    • Osaka Prefecture
    • 府立の高校
    • a prefectural high school
  1. 府議会a prefectural assembly
    • 京都の府議会議員
    • a member of the Kyoto prefectural assembly
  1. 府知事a (prefectural) governor
  1. 府庁a prefectural office
    • 京都府庁
    • the Kyoto Prefectural Office
  1. 〔将棋の〕a pawn
  1. 1〔数学で〕
    • 負の数
    • a negative [minus] number
  1. 2〔物理で〕
    • 負の電荷
    • a negative electric charge
  1. fu; breadlike pieces of dried wheat gluten
  1. a spot
    • 斑のある犬
    • a spotted dog
  1. ぞうふ(臓腑)はらわた(腸)
    • 胃の腑が空っぽだ
    • I haven't had anything to eat./I'm 「terribly hungry [starving].
    • あなたの言うことは腑に落ちません
    • Your story doesn't make sense to me./Your story [explanation] is incomprehensible [unconvincing].(▼incomprehensibleは理解できない,unconvincingは納得できないという意味)
    • その後彼は腑が抜けたようだ
    • Since then he 「hasn't been himself [has looked lost].
  1. 〔楽譜〕music;〔総譜〕a score;〔音符〕a musical note
    • 譜を読む
    • read music
    • 譜に歌詞をつける
    • set the words to music
    • 譜を見ないで歌う
    • sing without (looking at the) music

