1. I
  1. 1〔たばこを〕smoke [puff on] ((a cigarette))
  1. 2〔エンジンを〕
    • 彼は車のエンジンを吹かした
    • He raced [《口》 revved (up)] the engine of his car.
  1. II〔態度をとる〕
    • 大尽風を吹かす
    • play the millionaire/display [show off] one's wealth
    • 兄は外出すると兄貴風を吹かす
    • When we go out together, my brother 「puts on a patronizing air [《俗》 acts patronizing].
  1. stay up 「till late [at night]
    • 毎晩マージャンをして夜を更かした
    • Every night they sat uptill late [until the (wee) small hours] playing mah-jong(g).
  1. steam
    • 芋をふかす
    • steam potatoes
    • ふかし芋[パン]
    • steamed potatoes [buns]

