1. grow old; age
    • 年のわりに老けて見える
    • He looks old for his age.
    • 彼女はなかなか老けない
    • She doesn't 「seem to age [get any older].
    • その髪型は老けて見えるよ
    • That hairdo makes you look older than your age.
  1. grow late ⇒よふけ(夜更け)
    • 夜も[秋も]更けて
    • late 「at night [in autumn]
    • 夜も更けてきたので結論は明日に持ち越された
    • It had grown so late that the final decision was left to the next day.
    • 夜も大分更けた
    • It is very late./《文》 The night is far advanced.
  1. indulge ((in a bad habit));be absorbed ((in))
    • 彼は快楽にふけっている
    • He 「is immersed in [has given himself over to] a life of pleasure.
    • 彼女はアメリカ文学の勉強にふけっている
    • She is absorbed in the study of American literature.
    • 彼は瞑想にふけっている
    • He is lost in meditation [contemplation].
    • 新しい小説の構想にふけっていた
    • I was deep in my plans for a new novel.

