1. an appended table
  1. 〔ラベル〕a label;〔さげ札〕a tag
    • 品物に付票をつける
    • put a label [tag] on an article/label [tag] an article
  1. an ice floe;〔長く続く塊状の〕pack ice
  1. a buoy [búːi, bɔ́i|bɔ́i]
    • 救命[係船けいせん]浮標
    • a life [mooring] buoy
  1. 〔音楽で〕the staff ((複 staves, ~s))
  1. 譜表記法staff notation
  1. 〔悪評〕a bad reputation [name];〔不人気〕unpopularity
    • 不評が続き,彼は政治生命を断たれた
    • His continuing bad reputation ruined him [his career] as a politician.
    • 彼女の演奏は一流の音楽家の間では不評であった
    • Her performance wasnot well spoken of among [not well received by] the leading musicians.
    • 彼女は女優として不評になった
    • She 「lost her popularity [became unpopular/was no longer in demand] as an actress.

