1. disadvantage

    不利な 〔不都合な〕disadvantageous ((to)),unfavorable ((to))

    • 不利は覚悟の上であった
    • We knew we were going to be at a disadvantage.
    • 試合の形勢は我々に不利だった
    • The game went against us.
    • 我々の不利な点は資金不足だ
    • Our disadvantage [handicap] is lack of funds.
    • 彼は被告に不利な証言をした
    • He gave evidence against [unfavorable to] the defendant.
    • 選挙は我々の党に不利な結果となった
    • The election went against [badly for] our party.
  1. 1〔振動〕a swing; a shake
    • バットの振りが鈍い
    • His swing isn't sharp enough.
  1. 2〔様子,なり〕(an) appearance
    • へんなふりをした男
    • a funny-looking man/a man with a strange appearance
    • 人のふり見て我がふり直せ
    • One man's mistake is another man's lesson./Learn from others' mistakes.
  1. 3〔見せかけ〕
    • 見えないふりをする
    • pretend to be blind
    • そのことは知らないふりをした
    • I pretended not to know anything about it./《文》 I 「assumed an air of [feigned] ignorance about it.
    • 危険な時にくもはしばしば死んだふりをする
    • A spider often plays dead when in danger.
    • 少年たちはけんかのふりをして騒いでいる
    • The boys are putting on a sham fight for fun.
  1. 4〔なじみでないこと〕
    • 〔店の〕ふりの客
    • a casual customer/a walk-in
    • このホテルはふりの客は泊めない
    • 〔予約なしの〕This hotel does not accommodate any guests without reservations.
  1. 5〔仕方〕
  1. 〔雨〕(a) rainfall, (a) rain;〔雪〕(a) snowfall, (a) snow
    • ひどい降りの日だった
    • It wasraining terribly hard [pouring] that day.
    • ひと降りあるといいね
    • I hope it will rain a little.
    • この降りでは彼は来ない
    • He won't come in this rain.

