1. a celebrity; a man of note
    • 当代の名士
    • prominent men [figures] of the time
    • 政界の名士
    • a noted politician
    • 文壇の名士
    • a famous writer/a big name in literary circles
    • 市の名士が数人演説をした
    • Several men well known in the city made speeches.
  1. 〔個人用〕a calling [visiting] card;〔営業用〕a business card
    • 名刺を出す
    • hand [present/give] a person one's calling [visiting/business] card/〔取り次ぐ人を通して〕send in one's card
    • 名刺を交換する
    • exchange cards
  1. 名刺入れa card case
  1. 名刺受け〔盆型の〕a card tray
  1. 名刺判〔写真の〕8.3 × 5.4 cm photograph size
  1. a noun; a (noun) substantive

    名詞の nominal

    • 普通[物質/抽象/固有/集合]名詞
    • a common [a material/an abstract/a proper/a collective] noun
  1. 名詞句[節]a noun phrase [clause]
  1. clear vision
  1. 明視距離the range of clear vision

