1. 1〔耐久力〕durability;〔使用に耐えること〕wear
    • 手入れをすれば持ちが違う
    • Good care improves durability./Things last longer if you take good care of them.
    • このチーズは持ちがよい[悪い]
    • This cheese keeps [does not keep] well.
    • このセーターは持ちがよかった[悪かった]
    • This sweater wore well [badly].
  1. 2〔負担〕
    • 部屋の改造をしたければ自分持ちでしてください
    • If you want to remodel your room, you can do it at your own expense.
    • 旅費は会社持ちだ
    • The company will pay [bear] the cost of the trip.
  1. 3〔…用〕
    • 男[女]持ちの傘
    • umbrellas for gentlemen [ladies]/gentlemen's [ladies'] umbrellas
  1. (a) rice cake
    • 餅を焼く
    • grill (a [some]) rice cake
    • 餅は餅屋
    • Better leave it to a specialist.
  1. 餅網a grill for toasting rice cake
  1. 餅菓子rice-cake sweets
  1. 餅つきpounding steamed rice into the dough used for rice cakes
  1. 餅屋〔人〕a rice-cake dealer;〔店〕a rice-cake shop
  1. birdlime
    • もちで鳥を捕らえる
    • catch a bird with lime
  1. 黐ざおa lime stick; a limed pole

