1. 〔音階の〕si, ti; B
  1. ロ調the key of B
  1. ロ長[短]調B major [minor]
    • ロ長調の楽章[ミサ曲]
    • a movement [mass] in B major
  1. 〔囲炉裏〕a sunken hearth (cut in the middle of the floor);〔暖炉〕a fireplace;〔かまど〕a furnace ⇒いろり(囲炉裏)
    • 原子炉
    • a (nuclear) reactor
    • 溶鉱炉
    • a smelting furnace
    • 炉を切る
    • make a sunken fireplace in the floor
    • どうぞ炉で暖まってください
    • Please warm yourself at the hearth [fireplace].
  1. 炉座〔星座〕the Furnace; Fornax
    • ろの羽織
    • a haori (coat) of silk gauze
  1. 絽縮緬ちりめんsilk gauze cre^pe
  1. 〔和船の〕a single oar attached to the stern and worked by one person
    • ろをこぐ
    • pull an oarrow a boat

