1. 〔能楽の〕a waki
  1. ワキ役[役者]the main supporting role [actor] in a Noh play
  1. 1〔腕の付け根の下〕the [one's] side ⇒わきのした(脇の下)
    • 右脇が痛い
    • I have a pain in my right side.
    • 本を数冊脇に抱えていた
    • I had [was carrying] several books under my arm.
    • ブラウスの脇がほころびた
    • One of the side seams in the blouse has come apart.
  1. 2〔すぐそば〕
    • 彼は妻の脇に立っていた
    • He was standing 「beside his wife [at his wife's side].
    • 彼はすぐ脇にやって来た
    • He came up close to me.
    • 門の脇を通って行った
    • We passed by the gate.
    • 彼は脇から口を出した
    • He put in a word.
  1. 3〔横の邪魔にならない所〕
    • 彼らはそれを脇へ持って行った
    • They carried [moved] it 「out of the way [to one side].
    • 脇へどきなさい
    • Move aside./Get out of the way.
    • その話は今は脇へ置いておこう
    • Let's put that matter aside for the moment.
  1. 4〔別の方向〕
    • 脇を向く
    • look [turn] away
    • 話が脇にそれてしまった
    • We've gotten [《英》 got] off 「the subject [track]./We have wandered [digressed [diɡrést]/strayed] from the main subject.
  1. 5〔能楽の〕 ⇒ワキ
    • あの力士は脇が甘い
    • That sumo wrestler is not good at preventing his opponents from getting an underarm grip on him.

