ワイドな wide

  1. ワイドショーa tabloid TV talk show
  2. ワイドショーA so-called“wide show”is one category of Japanese TV programming. A wide show is a daily combination talk-and-news show, much of which is related to the entertainment industry. The name is taken from the fact that such shows purport to cover a wide range of hot topics, from social issues, politics, celebrity gossip, cooking, travel pointers, and other useful information for everyday living. These tabloid talk shows target housewives, and most of them air during the middle of the day.(意訳:テレビ番組の一つで,芸能界の話題が中心の情報番組のこと.ワイド(幅広い)という名称が示すとおり,社会問題,政治,ゴシップ,料理,生活に便利な情報,旅など,ホットな話題を何から何まで扱う.ターゲットは主婦で正午を中心とした時間帯に放送される)
    • テレビのワイドショーはスキャンダルが中心だ
    • Tabloid TV talk shows deal mainly with scandals.
  1. ワイドスクリーンa wide screen
  1. ワイドテレビa wide-screen TV (set)
  1. ワイド番組a tabloid TV [radio] program

