1. 1〔同時〕一時に at one time; at the same time
    • 一時には一つのことだけしなさい
    • Do one thing at a time.
  1. 2〔瞬間〕一時に in a moment; instantly
    • そのニュースを聞くと一時に体から力が抜けるのを感じた
    • The moment I heard the news, I felt drained of all my strength.
  1. 3〔過去のある時〕at one time; once
    • 一時私は転職を真剣に考えた
    • At one time I seriously thought of changing jobs.
    • この町は一時輸出産業の中心地として栄えた
    • This town once enjoyed prosperity as the center of the export industry.
    • カンニングは一時ほどひどくはない
    • There is not so much cheating on examinations now as there used to be.
  1. 4〔しばらく〕for a time; for a while;〔さしあたり〕for the time being
    • 一時の人気
    • ephemeral [short-lived] popularity
    • 一時の考え[きまぐれ]
    • a passing thought [fancy/whim]
    • 一時の言い逃れ
    • a makeshift excuse
    • 一時の衝動に駆られて彼女は金をその男に与えた
    • Carried away by the impulse of the moment, she gave him money.
    • 一時はどうなるかと思った
    • At one point [For a while] I was really worried.
    • 夫を亡くして彼女は一時全く途方に暮れていた
    • After her husband's death she was quite unable to cope for some time.
    • 学生寮が満員なので一時下宿することにした
    • Since the student dormitory is full, I have decided to stay in a rooming house for the time being.
    • 地震のため東海道全線が一時不通になった
    • Owing to an earthquake, train service was temporarily suspended on the whole of the Tokaido Line.
  1. 一時預かり証a claim check
  1. 一時預かり所預かり所
    • 手荷物を一時預かり所に預ける
    • check one's baggage/leave one's things at a cloakroom [checkroom]
  1. 一時解雇a layoff
  1. 一時借入金a floating debt
  1. 一時帰休a (temporary) layoff
    • 一時帰休制
    • a layoff system
    • 一時帰休となる
    • be laid off
  1. 一時金〔一括払い金〕a lump sum;〔一回限りの支給金〕a one-time allowance;〔ボーナス〕a bonus
    • 会社は退職者に一時金を出す
    • The company gives an allowance in a lump sum to retiring employees.
  1. 一時禁止措置a moratorium ((複 -ria, ~s)) ((on))
    • 核実験の一時禁止措置
    • a moratorium on nuclear testing
  1. 一時雇用temporary employment
  1. 一時しのぎa makeshift; a stopgap measure
    • 一時しのぎの工夫
    • a device [measure] to meet an immediate need
    • 講演者が急病のため私が一時しのぎの講師を務めるはめになった
    • The scheduled lecturer was suddenly taken ill, and I was obliged to fill in for him.
  1. 一時所得occasional [temporary] income
  1. 一時停止〔標識〕Stop
    • 踏み切りで一時停止をする
    • stop before crossing the railroad tracks
    • 一時逃れのことを言う
    • say something to get oneself off the hook for the moment
    • 一時払いにする
    • pay in a lump sum
  1. 1〔しばらく〕 ⇒いちじ(一時)4
    • 一時の余裕もない
    • I 「haven't got [don't have] a moment to spare.
    • 彼は一時も手を休めなかった
    • He didn't rest for as much as a second.
    • 君のことは一時も忘れたことはない
    • I've never once forgotten you.
  1. 2〔同時に〕 ⇒いちどに(一度に)
  1. 3〔過去のある時〕 ⇒いちじ(一時)3
    • 一時はもうだめかと思った
    • At one point I thought I was done for.
  1. 一時逃れ一時逃れ
  1. 1〔しばらくの間〕
    • 夕方の忙しい一時
    • a busy hour in the evening
    • 楽しい一時をお過ごしください
    • I hope you will have a good time.
  1. 2〔ある時〕
    • 彼女も一時は人気女優だった
    • She was once a popular actress.
    • (at) one time(ひところ)
    • some time(しばらく、当分)
    • [参考]「一時的な(temporary, passing, brief)」という形容詞で使われることが多い。

