1. 1〔しもて〕a lower place [position]
  1. 2〔相撲で〕
    • 下手でまわしを取る
    • grasp one's opponent's belt from underneath his arm;get an underarm grip on one's opponent's belt
  1. 下手に出るbe modest [self-effacing, unassuming]; take a modest approach; adopt an unassuming attitude
    • 下手に出ていればいい気になって
    • I try to be nice, and you take advantage of me!
  1. 下手投げ1〔相撲で〕a shitatenage, an underarm throw
    • 下手投げで勝つ
    • win by an underarm throw
  2. 下手投げ2〔野球で〕underhand pitching, an underarm [a submarine] delivery
    • 下手投げの投手
    • an underhand pitcher
    • ボールを下手投げで投げる
    • pitch underhand
  1. 1〔下方〕the lower part
    • 川の下手に小さい橋がある
    • There is a small bridge further down the river.
  1. 2〔舞台の〕the right of the stage; the stage right
    • 王,下手から登場[退場]
    • 〔卜書〕Enter [Exit] King at right [stage right].(▼英語では舞台上の役者から見て右という)
  1. 1〔技術がまずい様子〕lack of skill

    下手な unskillful,《英》 unskilful; poor,bad ((at))

    • 下手な大工
    • an unskilled carpenter
    • 下手な弁解
    • a poor excuse
    • 私は裁縫が下手だ
    • I'm poor [not much good] at sewing.
    • 彼女は料理が実に下手だ
    • She is a terrible [very poor] cook.
    • 下手の横好きで絵を描いています
    • I like to paint pictures, though I'm not very good at it.
    • 下手な鉄砲も数打ちゃ当たる
    • Even a poor shot will hit the mark (eventually) if he tries often enough.
    • 下手の長談義
    • They speak much who cannot speak well./((諺)) Brevity is the soul of wit.
    • 下手の[な]考え休むに似たり
    • It is a waste of time to think a matter over when one has no good ideas.
  1. 2〔不用意な様子〕
    • 警察が下手をして犯人を取り逃がした
    • The police 「made a bad job of it [《口》 botched it up] and let the culprit get away.
    • 彼が下手に口出しをしたので台なしになった
    • He poked his nose into it, so now everything is messed up.
    • 下手すると元金までなくすよ
    • You'll lose the principal, too, if you're not careful.
    • 下手すると彼に会えないかもしれない
    • If we're unlucky, we may miss him.
    • 彼に下手なことは言えない
    • We must be diplomatic [careful] when we speak to him.
  1. 3〔程度が劣る様子〕
    • 彼の蔵書は下手な図書館よりよっぽど多い
    • He has a much larger collection of books than some small libraries.

