1. 1〔円〕a circle
    • 丸を書く
    • draw a circle
    • 該当する項目の番号を丸で囲め
    • 「Put a circle around [Circle] the number of the applicable item(s).
  1. 2〔正しいことを示す印〕
    • 答案に丸[二重丸]をもらった
    • My answer was marked with 「a circle [a double circle] to show that it was correct.
  1. 3〔完全,全体〕 ⇒まるごと(丸ごと)
    • りんごを丸のまま食べた
    • I ate the apple whole.
  1. 4〔城の一部〕
    • 西の丸
    • the western fortress of a castle
    • 彼が死んでから丸5年になる
    • It has been five full years since he died.
    • その仕事は丸1日かかる
    • It is a good day's work./It will take a whole day to finish that job.
    • 丸12時間眠った
    • He slept for a full twelve hours.

