1. (an) exchange; give-and-take

    交換する exchange

    • 文化の交換
    • (a) cultural exchange
    • 物々交換
    • barter
    • そのボールペンと交換にノートをあげよう
    • I'll give you a notebook in exchange for that ballpoint pen./《口》 I'll swap this notebook for that ballpoint pen.
    • 両大学間で教授の交換を行っている
    • There is an exchange of professors between the two universities.
    • 名刺を交換した
    • We exchanged name [business] cards.
    • 率直に意見を交換した
    • We exchanged opinions frankly.
    • 彼女は彼と席を交換した
    • She changed [switched] places [seats] with him.
    • 古いタイヤを新しいのと交換した
    • They replaced the old tire with a new one.
    • 彼らは塩を茶と交換した
    • They bartered salt for tea.
    • 手形を交換する
    • clear a draft [bill/note]
  1. 交換局a telephone exchange, a central telephone office;〔交換手〕a telephone operator
  1. 交換所〔手形の〕a clearing house
  1. 交換条件a bargaining point
  1. 交換台a switchboard
  1. 交換法則〔数学で〕the commutative law
  1. 交換(留)学生[教授]an exchange student [professor]
  1. 交換レンズ〔写真で〕an interchangeable lens

