1. human feelings
    • 彼は人情がある[大してない/ない]
    • He has 「a lot of [very little/no] heart.
    • 人情の厚い[薄い]人だ
    • He is 「warm-hearted [cold-hearted]./He has 「a feeling [an unfeeling] heart.
    • 彼女は人情こまやかな人だ
    • She is a kindly person.
    • 彼がしたことは人情にもとる
    • What he did was inhuman.
    • 彼の話は人情の機微に触れたものであった
    • His story shows his keen insight into human nature.
    • 泣く子を見たらなぐさめたくなるのは人情だ
    • It is 「human nature [only human] to want to comfort a crying child.
  1. 人情話a story that depicts the life and feelings of townsfolk (in Edo)
  1. 人情本a love story (dealing with the townsfolk in Edo)
  1. 人情味human warmth; warm-heartedness
    • とても人情味のある人だ
    • He has plenty [a lot] of heart.
    • 人情味あふれる[のない]話
    • a story 「full of [lacking in] 「tender [human] feeling

