1. representation, proxy;〔取引などの〕agency;〔人〕 ⇒代理人

    代理の acting; deputy

    代理(を)する act (as substitute) for; act in place of

    • 校長[社長]代理
    • the acting principal [president]
    • 議長代理
    • a deputy chairman
    • 彼は1週間先生の代理をつとめた
    • He substituted for the teacher for a week.
    • 大統領の入院中副大統領が代理をつとめた
    • The Vice-President acted [stood in] for the President while he was in (the) hospital.
    • 上司の代理で[として]会議に出席した
    • I attended the conference in my boss's place./I represented my boss at the conference.
    • 彼の代理で投票した
    • I voted 「on his behalf [as his proxy].
  1. 代理業(the) agency business
  1. 代理業者an agent
  1. 代理出産surrogate birth [mothering]; surrogacy
  1. 代理署名(a) proxy signature
    • 知事は政府による民有地使用継続のための代理署名を拒否した
    • The governor refused to (serve as a proxy and) sign documents renewing the national government's forced lease of private land.
  1. 代理戦争a proxy war
  1. 代理大使a chargé d'affaires[ʃɑːrʒéi dəfər|- dæfə] ((複 chargés d'affaires));an acting ambassador
  1. 代理店an agency; an agent
    • 広告[保険]代理店
    • an advertising [insurance] agency
    • 代理店手数料
    • an agent's commission
  1. 代理人a representative, a proxy(▼投票・株主総会などで委任された),a deputy(▼ある職務を代行する);〔取引などの〕an agent;〔法廷の〕an attorney(-in-fact)
    • 代理人となる
    • act as attorney [proxy]
    • 代理人を立てて応訴することにした
    • I decided to retain an attorney and contest the suit.
  1. 代理母a surrogate mother
  1. 代理販売sale by agent

