- 〔調停〕arbitration, mediation;〔介入〕intervention
仲裁する arbitrate, mediate ((between));intervene ((in))
- 強制[任意]仲裁
- compulsory [voluntary] arbitration
- この件は仲裁に付された
- This case was submitted [referred] to arbitration.
- 第三者による仲裁の申し出はすべて拒否された
- All offers of mediation by a third party were rejected.
- けんかを仲裁する
- arbitrate [intervene in] a quarrel
- 二人の言い分を聞いて仲裁してやった
- I listened to what both of them had to say and arbitrated [mediated] between them.
- 仲裁裁定(a) settlement by arbitration
- 仲裁裁判arbitration
- 仲裁裁判所a court of arbitration
- 仲裁者an arbitrator; an arbiter; a mediator