1. (a) reduction (in price); (a) discount

    値引きする reduce the price; discount ((a thing))

    • 2割値引きする
    • reduce the price by 20 percent/give a discount of 20 percent
    • 現金払いなら1割値引きします
    • 「You get a 10 percent discount [We take 10 percent off] if you pay (in) cash.
    • 少し値引きしてもらえませんか
    • Can't you make it a little cheaper?/《口》 Can't you knock a little off the price?
    • 本は値引きしない
    • There is no discount on books.
  1. 値引き価格a discount [reduced] price
  1. 値引き交渉price negotiation(s)
  1. 値引き商品a bargain; a discounted item

