1. a chance; an accident(▼chanceのほうが一般的.accidentは偶然性が強い)

    偶然の casual; accidental

    偶然に by chance [accident]

    偶然性 the accidental nature (of);〔哲学〕contingency

    • 偶然の出来事
    • an accident
    • 偶然の出会い
    • 「an accidental [a chance] meeting
    • 不思議な偶然の一致で
    • by a strange coincidence
    • 彼に空港で会ったのは全くの偶然だった
    • It was purely by chance [accident] that I met him at the airport.
    • 偶然にも彼らは現場にいた
    • They happened [chanced] to be on the spot.
    • 偶然ある考えが浮かんだ
    • An idea 「crossed my mind [occurred to me].
    • 彼は答が一致したのは偶然だと強調した
    • He emphasized the accidental nature of the correspondence between the two answers.

