入学する enter (a) school;〔入学を許可される〕be admitted to a school;〔大学に〕「be admitted to [enter] a university

    • 入学を志願する
    • apply for admission (to a school)
  1. 入学願書〔用紙〕an application form
    • 入学願書を出す
    • send in an application for admission (to a school)
  1. 入学規則admission regulations
  1. 入学金an entrance [admission] fee
  1. 入学資格requirements [qualifications] for admission
  1. 入学志願者「a candidate [an applicant] for admission
  1. 入学式an entrance ceremony
  1. 入学試験an entrance examination
    • 入学試験を受ける
    • take [《英》 sit for] an entrance examination
    • 入学試験問題
    • questions on an entrance examination
  1. 入学者a new [newly enrolled, newly registered] student
    • 今年の学部の入学者は200名である
    • There are 200 new undergraduates this year./《米》 There are 200 freshmen this year.
  1. 入学手続きentrance formalities
    • 入学手続きをする
    • complete registration ((for a school))

