入院する be hospitalized; enter [go into] a hospital
- 2週間前に入院した
- He was hospitalized [admitted to a hospital] two weeks ago.
- 2週間入院している
- He has been in (the) hospital for two weeks.(▼ 《米》 では theをつけるのが普通)
- 入院して検査を受けた
- I was hospitalized for tests.
- 昨日彼を入院させた
- He was sent to (the) hospital yesterday.
- 彼は入院加療が必要だ
- He needs [requires] hospital treatment.
- 入院の申し込みをする
- apply for admission to a hospital
- 入院患者a patient; an inpatient
- 入院病棟an inpatients' ward
- 入院料hospital charges