- 〔公衆〕the public;〔共同社会〕the community
公共の 〔社会に共通の〕common;〔公の〕public
- 公共の利益を図る
- promote public interests
- 公共のために大いに尽くした
- He rendered great service to the community.
- 公共の利益のために働いた
- He worked for the common good.
- 公共機関a public institution
- 公共企業a public utility corporation; a public-service enterprise
- 公共企業体a public [government] corporation; a government-owned corporation [company]
- 公共財産public assets [property]
- 公共事業a public enterprise
- 公共団体a public organization
- 公共施設a public facility
- 公共職業安定所the Public Employment Security Office
- 公共心が欠けている
- He lacks a sense of civic responsibility.
- 公共投資public investment; government investment
- 公共部門the public sector
- 公共法人a public corporation
- 公共放送public broadcasting; a public broadcasting system
- 公共用水water for public use
- 公共料金charges for public services; public utility charges