- 〔力を合わせること〕cooperation;〔一緒にすること〕collaboration ((with))
共同する cooperate, collaborate ((with))
- 彼と共同で執筆した
- I collaborated with him in writing it./I wrote it in collaboration with him.
- 共同で店を経営する
- run a store in partnership ((with))
- 車を共同で使用する
- share the use of a car
- 古家を3人の学生と共同で借りて住んでいる
- I'm sharing an old rented house with three students.
- 我々は共同で責任を負わねばならない
- We are jointly responsible for it./We must 「take joint [share the] responsibility for it.
- 共同で炊事をしている
- 〔農家などが〕They do their cooking in a communal kitchen.
- 共同アンテナテレビa community antenna television ((略 CATV))
- 共同一致共同一致で in unanimous cooperation
- 共同運航code sharing (between airlines);・a 「code share [code-sharing] flight
- 共同覚書a collective [joint] note
- 共同会見を行う
- give a joint interview
- 共同開催joint hosting ((of))
- 2002年の日韓共同開催のワールドカップ
- the 2002 World Cup, hosted jointly by Japan and Korea
- 共同加入電話a party line (telephone)
- 共同管理joint control
- 共同管理の下におく
- put a thing under the joint control ((of))
- 共同企業体a joint venture [enterprise]
- 共同記者会見a joint press conference
- 共同経営joint management
- 共同経営共同経営する run ((a store)) jointly
- 共同経営者a business partner
- 共同決議〔衆参両院の〕a joint resolution
- 共同研究a joint research project; joint research
- 共同購入joint purchase
- 共同財産jointly owned property
- 共同事業[企業]a joint enterprise
- 共同市場a common market
- 共同執筆joint authorship
- 共同社会a communal society; a commune
- 共同出資joint investment
- 共同出資共同出資する invest jointly ((in))
- 共同生活community life
- 友達と共同生活をする
- share ((an apartment)) with one's friend
- 共同制作collaboration
- 共同制作品
- a collaboration;a joint work
- 共同正犯a co-principal
- 共同声明を出す
- issue a joint statement [communiqué]
- 共同宣言共同宣言をする publish a joint declaration
- 共同戦線を張る
- form a common front ((against))
- 共同体a community; a communal society
- 共同体意識
- a sense of community
- 共同販売joint selling
- 共同販売共同販売する hold a joint sale; sell jointly
- 共同販売店a joint market [distribution center]
- 共同風呂〔寮などの〕a communal bathroom [bathing room]
- 共同便所a communal latrine [lavatory]
- 共同謀議a joint conspiracy
- 共同募金a community chest
- 共同募金をする
- collect money for a community chest
- 共同墓地1〔市町村が定めた,あるいは団体が所有する墓地〕a (public) cemetery
- 共同墓地2〔無縁仏を合葬する墓地〕a communal grave [burying ground] (for those without family graves)
- 共同持ち株会社a joint holding company