1. 〔両方に役に立つ〕serve both as ((A and B));〔両方である〕be both ((A and B))
    • 仕事と遊びを兼ねる
    • combine business with pleasure
    • この箱は机と本棚を兼ねている
    • This box serves both as a desk and a bookshelf.
    • 彼が作曲と作詞を兼ねた
    • He both composed the music and wrote the words.
  1. 〔…できない〕cannot;〔…するのが難しい〕be hard ((to do));〔…する立場・境遇にない〕be not in a position ((to do));〔ためらう〕hesitate ((to do))
    • それは私には分かり兼ねます
    • 〔理解できない〕It is too hard for me to understand./It is beyond me./〔知らない〕I'm afraid I don't know.
    • それはなんとも申し上げ兼ねます
    • I am not in a position to make any comment on it.
    • 申し上げ兼ねますが思い違いをしておられます
    • I hate to say so, but you're mistaken.
    • 彼らは吉報を待ち兼ねていた
    • They were waiting impatiently for a good news.

