1. ないがい(内外)
    • 建物の内外に厳重な警戒が敷かれた
    • The building was heavily guarded inside and out.
  1. 1〔内と外〕the inside and the outside ((of a building))

    内外の internal and external

    • 家の内外にペンキを塗らせた
    • I had my house painted inside and out.
    • 会社の内外の複雑な事情
    • the complicated internal and external circumstances of the company
    • 町の内外で暴動が起こった
    • Riots broke out in and around the town.
  1. 2〔国内と国外〕
    • その事件は内外の新聞に報ぜられた
    • The incident was reported in domestic and foreign papers.
    • 内外で失業者の数が増えている
    • The number of people out of work is increasing both at home and abroad.
  1. 3〔およそ〕about, around
    • 彼の月収は25万円内外です
    • His monthly income is 「around 250,000 yen [250,000 yen or so].
  1. 内外価格差「a price differential [price differentials] between domestic and overseas markets; a gap [disparity] between the price of an item at home and abroad

