1. 1〔処理〕disposal;〔方策〕measures

    処置する 〔処理する〕dispose of;〔対処する〕deal with;〔方策を取る〕take measures ((to do))

    • ごみの処置
    • the disposal of garbage
    • 子猫の処置に困っている
    • I don't know what to do with the kittens.
    • 彼は手際よく問題を処置した
    • He skillfully 「dealt with [disposed of] the problem.
    • 処置を誤る
    • adopt the wrong measures
    • 被災者救済のため緊急処置を取る
    • take emergency measures for the relief of the victims
    • 処置なしだ
    • There's no help for it./Nothing can be done about it.
  1. 2〔手当て〕treatment
    • けが人に応急処置をする
    • give 「first aid [first-aid treatment] to an injured person
    • 傷の処置を急いでくれ
    • Treat the wound quickly.
    • measure《しばしば複数形で》

