1. attendance; presence

    出席する attend ((class, a meeting));be present ((at a meeting))

    • 今月は出席がよくなかったね
    • You've been very irregular in your attendance this month.
    • その会に私の出席を求めてきた
    • They have requested my presence at the meeting.
    • 明日は出席ですか,それとも欠席ですか
    • Are you going to be present or absent tomorrow?
    • まず出席を取ります
    • I'll call the roll first.(▼call the rollは名簿によって)
  1. 出席者a person (who is) present; an attendee
    • 会は出席者が多かった[少なかった]
    • The meeting was well [poorly] attended./There was a large [poor] turnout at the meeting.
    • 出席者はほとんどみな主婦であった
    • Almost all those present were housewives.
  1. 出席日数the number of days one has attended ((school, a conference))
  1. 出席簿a roll, 《英》 a register
  1. 出席率〔出席者の比率〕the percentage of attendance;〔出席回数の比率〕the percentage of one's attendance

