1. a penalty;〔宣告された刑〕a sentence;〔罰〕(a) punishment
    • 重い[軽い]刑
    • (a) heavy [light] punishment
    • 彼は重い刑に処せられた
    • He was given a severe punishment.
    • 刑を執行[猶予]する
    • 「carry out [suspend] a sentence
    • 彼は窃盗の罪で2年の刑に服している
    • He is serving a two-year sentence for theft.
    • 10年から7年の刑に減じられた
    • His sentence was reduced from ten years to seven.
    • 裁判官は被告に禁固6か月の刑を宣告した
    • The judge sentenced the accused to six months in prison./The judge passed [pronounced] a sentence of six months' imprisonment on the accused.
    • 執行猶予付き懲役3年の刑
    • a suspended three-year sentence

