- (an) invitation ((to));〔説得・懇願による〕 ((主に米)) (a) solicitation
勧誘する invite ((a person to do));〔懇願して〕solicit;〔選挙・注文取りで〕canvass
- クラブへの勧誘
- an invitation to join a club
- 寄付の勧誘
- soliciting [canvassing for] contributions
- 悪質な投票の勧誘
- illegal 「canvassing for [solicitation of] votes
- 男が新聞の勧誘に来た
- A man came around soliciting newspaper subscriptions.
- 勧誘されて彼らの劇団に入った
- I was talked into joining their theatrical troupe.
- 彼は母を保険に勧誘しようとした
- He tried to persuade my mother to buy insurance.
- 保険の勧誘員
- an insurance salesperson