1. half the body
    • 上[下]半身
    • the upper [lower] half of the body
    • 右[左]半身
    • the right [left] side of the body
    • 彼は上半身裸になった
    • He stripped himself to the waist.
  1. 半身像〔絵画の〕a portrait of a person from the waist up;〔彫刻の〕a half figure;〔胸像〕a bust
  1. 半身不随hemiplegia; paralysis of one side (of the body)
    • 半身不随になった
    • He became paralyzed on one side./He lost the use of one side [half] of his body.
  1. 1〔身構え〕
    • 半身に構える
    • assume a diagonal stance against one's opponent
  1. 2〔魚の切り身〕half of a fish (cut symmetrically)

