- cooperation
協力する cooperate ((with));join forces ((with))
協力的 cooperative
協力して in cooperation ((with))
- 妻の協力がなければ成功しなかった
- I would not have succeeded without my wife's cooperation [help].
- 交通安全にご協力ください
- Please cooperate in promoting traffic safety.
- 彼らに協力しなさい
- Team up [Work together] with them.
- 彼女は協力的に仕事をする
- She is a cooperative worker.
- 協力してやり抜こう
- Let's unite our efforts and see it through.
- 市当局は県の協力で伝染病の流行をどうにか食い止めた
- The municipal authorities, 「in cooperation with [assisted by] the prefecture, managed to control the epidemic.
- 協力者a supporter; a collaborator