- I〔面倒なこと〕trouble; a burden
厄介な troublesome; burdensome
- 彼が厄介な仕事を持ち込んで来た
- He brought in a troublesome task.
- 厄介なことに彼は警官をなぐってしまった
- 「The trouble [What made it so bad] was that he hit the policeman.
- 子供5人の世話をするのは本当に厄介だ
- It is quite a burden to take care of five children.
- 彼の不用意な発言が事態をさらに厄介にした
- His careless remark made things 「more difficult [even worse].
- たびたびご厄介をかけて申し訳ありませんでした
- I'm sorry to have 「troubled you so often [given you so much trouble].
- 人に厄介をかけるようなことはしてはなりません
- You should not do anything that will be a nuisance to others.
- II〔世話〕
- 彼はいい年をしてまだ親の厄介になっている
- He still lives [depends] on his parents, even at his age.
- 年をとっても息子の厄介になるつもりはない
- I am determined not to be 「dependent on [a burden to] my son in my old age.
- 1年に一度は医者の厄介になる
- I have to consult a doctor at least once a year.
- たびたび睡眠薬のご厄介になる
- I often have to rely on sleeping pills.
- 時々警察の厄介になる
- He sometimes gets into trouble with the police.
- 息子は先週から友だちの家に厄介になっている
- My son has been staying with a friend of his since last week.
- 京都に滞在中は大変ご厄介になりました
- Thank you very much for the kindness you showed me during my stay in Kyoto.
- 厄介払いするように彼を追い出した
- They turned him out as if they were getting rid of a nuisance.
- 厄介者1〔居候〕a hanger-on ((複 hangers-on));〔扶養家族〕a dependent
- うちには厄介者が二人いる
- I have two dependents in my family.
- 今兄の家の厄介者になっています
- I depend on my brother for food and shelter now.
- 厄介者2〔困り者〕a burden; a nuisance
- 彼は家族に厄介者扱いされている
- His family treats [regards] him as a burden [nuisance].
- 彼は何かというと問題を起こす厄介者だ
- He is a perpetual troublemaker.