1. I〔受ける物〕
    • 名刺受け
    • a visiting-card tray
    • 郵便受け
    • 《米》 a mailbox/《英》 a letter box
  1. II
  1. 1〔評判〕(a) reputation; popularity; (a) reception
    • 彼は同僚の受けがいい
    • He is popular among his colleagues.
    • この作品は批評家の受けがよくなかった
    • This work 「was not well received by [did not get a favorable reception from] the critics.
  1. 2〔芝居などで,引き立て役〕a supporting actor [role]
    • 彼は最近の公演では受けに回った
    • He 「was the supporting actor [played the supporting role] in the recent stage performance.
  1. 3〔守勢〕
    • 今度の選挙では与党は受けに回った
    • The ruling party was on the defensive in the last election.
    • その役者は受けを狙ったが失敗した
    • The actor tried to appeal to the audience, but he wasn't well received.

