1. 1〔命ずること〕an order ((to do));〔権威者の発する絶対的な命令〕a command ((to do));〔指示〕directions

    命令する order ((a person to do));command, direct ((a person to do));give a command, give orders

    命令的 commanding

    • 人の命令を受ける
    • take orders from a person
    • 命令に従う[逆らう]
    • obey [refuse to carry out] an order [a command]
    • 彼らは市場を調査せよという社長命令を受けて出発した
    • They set out with orders from the president to investigate the market.
    • 彼は部下にすぐやれと命令した
    • He ordered [gave orders to] his subordinates to do it at once.
    • 委員長はスト中止命令を出した
    • The union leader gave the command to 「call off [stop] the strike.
    • 車は警官の停止命令を無視して突っ走った
    • The car sped on, ignoring the policeman's order to stop.
    • 命令どおりにしなさい
    • Do as you are told.
    • 生徒たちは校庭に整列せよと命令された
    • The pupils 「were directed [received directions] to line up in the schoolyard.
    • 命令口調で話す
    • speak in 「a commanding [《文》 a peremptory/an authoritative] tone
  1. 2〔裁判所の指示〕a decree
  1. 命令形〔文法で〕an imperative form ((of a verb))
  1. 命令系統the chain of command
  1. 命令文〔文法で〕an imperative sentence
  1. 命令法〔文法で〕the imperative mood
    • command《権限のある人が発する》
    • order《しばしば複数形》

