1. 1〔因果,運命〕fate; destiny
    • あなたと知り合ったのも何かの因縁でしょう
    • We were no doubt predestined to become acquainted with each other.
    • それも前世からの因縁とあきらめよう
    • (I guess) I'll just have to accept it as fate.
  1. 2〔由来〕origin
    • そのいわれ因縁はこうだ
    • This is its history.
    • その因縁話を長々と聞かされた
    • I had to listen to a lengthy account of how it all started.
  1. 3〔宿命的関係〕
    • 彼との因縁は浅くない
    • He and I are closely bound up together.
    • この会社と地域との間には浅からぬ因縁がある
    • 「There are close ties [There is a close connection] between this company and the local community.
  1. 4〔言いがかり〕
    • 因縁をつける
    • find a pretext for quarreling with a person/〔けんかを売る〕pick a quarrel with a person
    • 彼はごろつきに因縁をつけられ殴られた
    • He was beaten up by a hooligan on some trifling pretext.

