1. 1〔人の集まり〕a group;〔一行〕a party;〔一団〕a body
    • 団体で旅行する
    • travel in a group
    • 20人の団体を作る
    • make up a party of twenty
    • 10人ずつ団体になった
    • They were divided into groups of ten.
  1. 2〔組織体〕an organization; an association
    • 女性団体
    • a women's organization [association]
    • 政治団体
    • a political organization [body]
    • 宗教団体を組織する
    • form a religious organization
  1. 団体客customers coming as a group;〔旅行者の〕a party of tourists
  1. 団体競技team sports
  1. 団体協約a collective agreement
  1. 団体交渉collective bargaining
    • 経営側と団体交渉をする
    • bargain collectively with the management
    • 団体交渉権
    • the right of collective bargaining
  1. 団体乗車券a group ticket
  1. 団体信用生命保険group credit life insurance
  1. 団体生活group [communal] life
  1. 団体精神esprit de corps [kɔ́ːr]
  1. 団体保険collective [group] insurance
  1. 団体旅行a group tour;〔案内人付きの〕a guided group tour
  1. 団体割引a group reduction [rate discount];〔旅行の〕a party trip reduction
    • 20名以上には団体割引があります
    • Group rates are available for parties of twenty and over.

