1. 1〔程度がはなはだしいこと〕大変な terrible;《口》 awful
    • 大変な人出だ
    • What a big crowd!
    • 彼は大変な有力者だそうだ
    • He is said to be quite [very] influential.
    • 大変な風だ
    • It is blowing very hard./There's 「an awful [a terrible] wind.
    • ちょっとした不注意が大変な事故につながる
    • Slight carelessness can lead to a terrible accident.
    • 費用が大変だろう
    • It will cost a lot./It will be very expensive.
    • これだけの人の食事を毎回用意するのは大変だ
    • It is 「a lot of trouble [no easy matter] to prepare three meals a day for all these people.
    • これだけの書類に目を通すだけでも大変だ
    • It is hard work just to look through all these documents.
  1. 2〔ただならぬこと,重大〕大変な serious; grave
    • 経済界は大変な事態に直面した
    • The financial world faced a grave [serious] crisis.
    • 君は大変なことをしてくれたね
    • Now you've done it!
    • 大変だ,虎が檻おりから逃げ出した
    • Good God! The tiger's gotten out of its cage!
    • 父にもしものことがあったら大変だ
    • If anything should happen to my father, it would be simply awful.
    • そんなことをしたら大変だ
    • If you do that, it will have very serious consequences.
    • 一歩誤ったら大変だ
    • A single false step could prove fatal [disastrous].
    • 見つかったら大変だ
    • If I am discovered, I am done for.
    • 乗り遅れると大変だからすぐ出掛けなさい
    • Leave at once. You simply mustn't miss the train.
  1. 3〔非常に〕
    • 大変失礼いたしました
    • I am very [《口》 awfully] sorry.
    • 彼の援助の申し出は大変喜ばれた
    • His offer of help was 「very much [deeply/greatly] appreciated.
    • 大変お世話になり恐縮に存じます
    • I am much obliged to you for your kind help.
    • 彼の演奏は大変立派だった
    • He played remarkably well./His performance was 「truly excellent [superb].

