大学基準協会the Japanese University Accreditation Association ((略 JUAA))
大学教育(a) university [college] education
大学進学率a college-going rate
大学生a college [university] student;〔大学院に対し学部の学生〕an undergraduate(▼大学の1,2,3,4年生はそれぞれ 《米》 a freshman, a sophomore, a junior, a senior;《英》 a student in the first [second, third, fourth] year at university)
大学卒業生a college [university] graduate; a university man [woman]
a Harvard graduate
大学入試センターthe National Center for University Entrance Examinations ((略 NCUEE))
the National Center Test (for university admission)/the government-sponsored entrance examination for public and private universities