1. an educational institution; a school;〔大学の構内〕 ((on)) the campus
  1. 学園祭a school festival
  2. 学園祭A gakuensai, or school festival, is a student-organized event held annually at high schools, colleges, and universities to showcase various extracurricular group activities. These festivals are usually open to the general public, including alumni. Students ofen operate food and refreshment stands at the festival to fund their group activities. This event is also sometimes called a bunkasai, or cultural festival. Sometimes the organizers invite famous musicians, entertainers, or intellectual figures to perform or give lectures at the festival.(意訳:高校・大学・専門学校などで,1年に1回学生が中心となって,サークル・クラブ・部活などでの成果を学内外に発表する行事.部活費を稼ぐために飲食物を売る出店を出したり,有名な歌手やタレント・知識人を招き,コンサートや講演会を開くこともある.文化祭ともいう)
  1. 学園生活school life;〔大学の〕campus life
  1. 学園都市a university [college] town
  1. 学園紛争a campus dispute; a student riot

