1. defense,《英》 defence;〔法廷の〕a plea;〔正当化〕justification

    弁護する defend; plead; justify

    • 教授は自分の説を弁護した
    • The professor spoke in defense of his own theory.
    • 母親にしかられると花子はいつも弟を弁護した
    • Whenever her mother scolded her brother, Hanako 「defended him [came to his defense/《口》 stood up for him].
    • 自己弁護
    • self-justification
    • 彼の行為は弁護の余地がなかった
    • What he did was indefensible./There was no justification for his behavior.
    • あの人の常軌を逸した振る舞いを弁護しようというのか
    • Are you trying to justify his extraordinary behavior?
    • 被告を弁護することにした
    • I decided to defend the accused [defendant].
    • 弁護士に事件を弁護してもらった
    • I got a lawyer to plead my case.
  1. 弁護依頼人a client
  1. 弁護士弁護士
  1. 弁護団(defense) counsel; counsel for the defense
    • 原告弁護団
    • counsel for the plaintiff
  1. 弁護人a defense lawyer, an advocate;〔総称〕defense counsel
  1. 弁護料「a lawyer's [an attorney's] fee

