1. 1〔衰弱させる〕weaken
    • 過労は体を弱める
    • Too much work is 「bad for [《文》 injurious to] your health.
    • 睡眠不足が彼の体を弱めた
    • Lack of sleep weakened his health.
  1. 2〔程度を弱くする〕
    • 彼は演説の調子を少し弱めた
    • He toned down his speech somewhat.
    • 現在の状況は少年の感受性を弱める
    • Present-day conditions dull [blunt] the sensitivity of the young.
    • 民族主義者の力を弱める
    • decrease [weaken] the influence of the nationalists
  1. 3〔ガスの出などを〕turn down;〔薄める〕dilute
    • ガスの火を弱めないと肉が焦げ付きますよ
    • Turn down the gas [Lower the flame of the gas], or the meat will burn.
    • この酸は(水で)弱めてある
    • This acid is diluted.

