1. 1〔その場〕 ⇒そくざ(即座)
  1. 2〔差し当たり〕
    • 当座の費用はこれで足ります
    • This will 「take care of [cover] 「our immediate expenses [our expenses for the moment].
    • 5万円借りて当座をしのいだ
    • I borrowed fifty thousand yen to get myself over the immediate crisis.
    • 当座の間に合わせにこの家に住んでいてよいですよ
    • You may live in this house 「for the time being [for now].
  1. 3〔しばらくの間〕
    • 引っ越して来た当座はよく道に迷った
    • I often lost my way when I first moved here.
    • ニューヨークへ来た当座の2,3年はよく芝居を見に行った
    • I often went to the theater during my first few years in New York.
  1. 当座貸しa loan on short notice; an on-the-spot loan
    • 当座しのぎの家
    • a makeshift house
    • 当座しのぎに子供の貯金を少し借りた
    • I borrowed some money from my child's savings 「to tide over my immediate needs [as a stopgap measure].
    • 当座しのぎにこの机をお使いください
    • Please use this desk for the time being.
    • 当座逃れに,母の病気を言い訳にした
    • He used his mother's illness as an excuse to get himself through the immediate crisis.
    • 当座逃れに一部だけ代金を払った
    • He paid only part of the sum to take care of things for the moment.
  1. 当座預金a current account;《米》 a checking account
    • 当座預金の口座を設ける
    • open a current account

